Katie Garcia


Katie Garcia






Cecelia Blake


Katie Garcia

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5.4 Katie Garcia Latino Lorain Fall 2022 Oberlin College Library Katie Garcia Cecelia Blake 0 https://media.lib.oberlin.edu/media_objects/76537136c Avalon Https://media.lib.oberlin.edu/ video &lt ; iframe title=&quot ; Katie Garcia&quot ; src=&quot ; //media.lib.oberlin.edu:443/master_files/b2773v73c/embed&quot ; width=&quot ; 600&quot ; height=&quot ; 337&quot ; frameborder=&quot ; 0&quot ; webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen&gt ; &lt ; /iframe&gt ; 33 Questions about Early Life/Childhood Where were you born and where did you grow up? So I was born in Oberlin and I grew up in Lorain, born and raised. When I was 19, that's when I went to the Marine Corps. My Father is from down South, a small town called Whitfield Alabama. Katie begins by talking about where she was born and raised and where he parent's were born and raised as well. She is a one of five siblings, which she not always enjoyed growing up but now appreciates the fact that everyone in her family has remained close. Katie's mother was her primary role model. She explains how her mother always put her children first despite any of the challenges she endured, which was very inspiring to Katie growing up and further allowed her to feel supported to succeed. Family ; Hometown ; Parents ; Siblings 297 Introduction to Military Service How did you first begin to think about military service? I never really thought about the military until she went. And so when I decided to go into the military like you know what I'm going to do the Marine Corps. And I also did it because everyone said I couldn't do it. Katie was first introduced to the military by her sister, who was a part of JROTC and also served in the Marine Corps. Katie explains that when her sister was discharged, she always spoke highly of her experiences which is what initially piqued Katie's interest. Katie also talks about her decision to pick the Marine Corps as the branch of the military that she wanted to join, and says that it was largely attributed to the fact that people said she could not do since people in the Marine Corps needed to be &quot ; butch&quot ; or &quot ; buff&quot ; . Gender ; Reactions ; Sister ; USMC 357 Basic Training Where did you do your basic training? My basic training was in the Marine Corps recruit depot Parris Island. Theres two basic training for the Marine Corps. If you live East of the Mississippi River you go to South Caroline, Parris Island, If you live West of the Mississippi River you go to San Diego. But if you are female, all females go to Parris Island. In this segment Katie talks about her basic training on Parris Island in South Carolina, where all female marine had to complete their training. She was very nervous, although it was not her first time away from home. Her first memory is rushing off the bus, knowing a little bit of what to expect from her sister's experience, but when she went to meet her drill instructors she was greeted by three beautiful women. She initially thought to herself &quot ; oh, it couldnt be that bad&quot ; , however she explains that the minute they closed the door &quot ; hell unleashed&quot ; . Katie also adds that &quot ; these beautiful women are so different from what they look. It was so unexpected.&quot ; Family ; First Memory ; Gender ; Parris Island ; Yellow Footprints 510 After Training Where did you go after your training? After my training I went home to do recruiting assistance, and from there I went to Marine Corps combat training in North Carolina. Katie talks about how everything is earned in bootcamp, &quot ; They strip you down and they build you back up.&quot ; Katie felt confident in boot camp, like a new person and on top of the world. Being a female marine was especially meaningful to her, and she had a set goal for herself to be the best woman that she could be and more, the best woman marine that she could be. She felt that she represented an elite group wearing a uniform and seeing the expressions on peoples' faces. Combat ; Confidence ; Rank ; Representation ; Role Model ; Stability ; Training ; Transformation 694 Meeting Hector Garcia How did you meet your husband? I met my husband at my first duty station, Okinawa, Japan. We worked together and we were friends first, really good friends. Katie talks about meeting her husband in Japan, while on duty for six months traveling different parts of East Asia. East Asia ; Husband ; Japan ; Okinawa ; Travel 743 Challenges of Service/Maintaining an Image What was the most challenging part of your serve? The most challenging part of my service, I think, was the way female Marines were treated. Katie talks about the challenges she faced being a female marine and the treatment she achieved for being a woman. It wasn't always equal and she was often looked at as a detriment. She did not need to be equal with her male marine counterparts, but she wanted the respect that she felt she as well as all female marines deserved. She was trained to be strong but also lady-like, and her drill instructors were very inspiring for her while active duty as she tried to up-hold her image. Discrimination ; Expectations ; Gender ; Inequalities ; Respect ; USMC 1013 International Experiences What were some of your experiences in Japan? It was awesome. It was really cool it was, you know, I had traveled outside the country prior to joining the Marine Corps and that initially made me realize that the world is so much bigger. Katie says that traveling prior to Germany prior joining the Marine Corps had a major influence on her decision to join in the first place. She cried at first going to Okinawa because the she would have to be there for twelve months, although she then ended up staying there for three years. She said at first it was a culture shock, but she got to learn about herself while being there as well. She explains that it was an amazing learning experience and she took advantage of a lot of the things that it had to offer such as tutoring Japanese kids. Culture ; Leaving Home ; Relocating ; Travel 1107 Relocating Where did you go after your service? So I met my husband in Okinawa, we worked together and then started dating for a year, year and a half. Then we got married and I began pregnant with my first son. Katie explains how when she got pregnant with her first son, the rule was changed so that women were only non-deployable for six months now rather than a full year. She talks about how it was a big possibility that she had to go to war in Iraq and give up custody of her son, which terrified. She decided to &quot ; get out&quot ; and only do her four years, which she realized is what she wanted to do with the support of her family because she could not see herself leaving her baby. Children ; Custody ; Deployment ; Family ; Husband ; Iraq War ; Military Wife ; Pregnancy 1230 Transitioning Post Discharge What was the transition like after you were discharged? Katie completed her four years of enlistment, was honorably discharged, and became a military wife. Her husband became a recruiter in New York, so they all moved to New York together. She described that it was a big transition, and that the military felt like a security blanket. She wasn't especially career driven at the time but she was driven to be a mom and was thankful that she was able to raise her son while her husband was deployed in Iraq. She was very happy. Discharge ; Education ; Motherhood ; Security ; Transition ; Wife 1298 Reflecting on Military Experiences/Final Message What are some of your reflections on your time in the military? How did it change your view of military in general and war? My own personal view to be honest... I think its good that women are in the military, but I don't think it's good necessarily that women are in combat. Katie talks about how she feels it is a conflict in war, so to speak, that a man's initial instinct is to protect a woman in a lot of different ways. She explains that it is a man's human nature to protect In emotional physical, as well as sexual ways, and that can sometimes be challenging for women who are trying to accomplish themselves in the military. However, she is so grateful for the second chance and new paths the military gave her and the fact that it instilled so much confident and poise in her, as well as allowing her to become a mother. A final message she leaves for future generations would ultimately be &quot ; don't be afraid to think outside the box. If you have a desire to achieve something or do something, then go for it.&quot ; Challenge ; Education ; Gender ; Military vs. Combat ; Opportunity ; Service ; Women In Copyright. video All rights reserved. 0 https://oberlincollegelibrary.org/ohms-viewer/render.php?cachefile=LL_Garcia_Katie.xml LL_Garcia_Katie.xml

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“Katie Garcia,” Latino Lorain , accessed October 22, 2024, https://latinolorain.oberlincollegelibrary.org/items/show/129.