Joel Arredondo


Joel Arredondo






Brendan Aleman


Joel Arredondo

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5.4 Joel Arredondo Latino Lorain Fall2020 Oberlin College Library Joel Arredondo Brendan Aleman 0 YouTube video 22 Introduction/Early life Here, Joel Arredondo Introduces himself and gives his date of birth, before transitioning to talking about his early life. He also discusses how his family came to Lorain Ohio. Mr. Arredondo also mentions Lorain's unique history as a diverse city he shares what is like being the son of Mexican immigrants growing up with with diverse people in his community. Early childhood life ; International city ; Introduction ; Joel Arredondo ; Lorain childhood ; Family ; Family values ; Immigration 229 Building a sense of community in Lorain Joel Arredondo begins to describe the unconventional methods in which his father built a community for them which included aspects of passing such has changing his name, developing an understanding of language. We then begin to transition to one of his earliest happy memories which was how he met his wife's brother and eventually his wife. Community ; Education ; Passing ; Racism 602 Politics and beyond Here Mr. Arredondo discusses his first experience as candidate running for 8th grade class president. In addition, we discuss ab mentors and friends who guided him to politics. He also talks about how his brother was more politically involved and he wouldn't become as involve until later on in his life. In 2007, Joel Arredondo was considered the position of President of Lorain City Council along with five other people to which he was appointed and served two year term before winning re-election 6 more times. Colorism ; Early life ; Family Tree ; Lorain City Council ; Politics 1351 The international City then vs. Now Mr. Arredondo's father and grandfather came to Lorain to work at the steel mill. He even briefly mentions how the shipping yards and other small manufacturing jobs were abundant and thats when the city of Lorain began to grow. He recalls the emergence of mega shopping malls and creation of highway roads destroyed certain neighborhoods. When discussing how education shifted, it was clear that when jobs were at a surplus Lorain was thriving. However, when they began to close and move bussiness away from Lorain schools closed education ; Lorain City ; School closings ; steel mill 1680 Lorain's workforce and school system Mr. Arredondo discussed how Lorain employed people from all over the managed to make their way to Lorain. He speaks about Puerto Ricans, Mexican, Dominicans etc, came to lorain and were easily able to find job. As he does mention, COVID has impacted many of these jobs. We then began to discuss school closings which was linked to the shipyards and steel mill jobs being closed down. Now, Lorain currently has one school opened. He also speaks about how the school had the &quot ; industrial arts&quot ; that was eventually shutdown. CHIPP ; Jobs ; Lorain city ; Puerto RIcans ; School closings ; Small school initiative ; Steel mill 2635 A trip down memory lane Joel Arredondo shares that being asked and serving his 7th term as the president of Lorain City Council. He then recalls an activity he did in school which included having a family, becoming a college graduate, and having grandchildren. He pridefully shares that his daughter has recently became a mother. As a follow up question is asked, Mr. Arredondo emphasizes the importance of education and family structure which stems from his parents telling him &quot ; Do the right thing.&quot ; Achievements ; Family ; Family dynamic ; Goals 3113 Overcoming adversity One of challenges Mr. Arredondo shared, was one that familiar working class families were familiar with. Given the massive layoffs especially from those in the steel industry, many families began to struggle to make ends me. The Arredondo family was no exception. Mr. Arredondo learned the meaning of hard work early on and sought employment when his father was unemployed. He also recalls his father's words of advice of and emphasis of perseverance. He's talk about about struggling in college and then being turned away from the Air force. He also share his experience as restaurant manager and owner until he became an auto salesman. Adversity ; Perseverance ; Work Experience 3673 Highlight Important Institutions As Joel Arredondo recalls important institutions, he mentions the Boy Scouts, Holy Name Society at his church (which he has been involved with on/off since 1977), Committee foundation of Lorain county (was asked takeover board member Armstrong's remaining term). Mr. Arredondo credits his wife for actually taken on the position. for He was also part of the Hispanic Fund's board to which then we transition to talk about CHIP (Coalition for hispanic issues of Progress). This organization originated because the of school integration bussing program. He later became VP of Chip and re-elected for five subsequent terms. Career ; CHIP ; Institutions in Lorain ; Religious Organizations ; Sacred Heart Church 4310 Lorain&quot ; s Historical Moments Mr. Arredondo recalls attending events a sacred Heart Chapel with family where he'd often times find himself playing baseball with his friends. Eventually, the boys would attend mass so they can enjoy the food that was offered afterwords. In doing so he became part of a larger community there. He then recalls how his grandmother home was rented out to Puerto RIcan men who would work in the steel mill in the 1950s. A personal historical moment has been seen their children become college graduates. He also recalls becoming the first elected (not appointed) Mexican-American President of Lorain CIty Council and he also became Mayor of Lorain for 9 days. Board housing ; Lorain ; Lorain history 4706 Challenges In Lorain ; The City's strength Mr. Arredondo states that Covid-19 has made thing very difficult for everyone. He also says that small businesses and workers are struggling to make ends meet. He then highlights his relationships with his constituents as a salesman and says his honesty and empathy is keeps people coming back to his business. He later speaks about the systematic racism within Lorain city Police Department. He then highlights Lorain's strength being inclusion along with diversity. He then shared a story about how CHIP only allowed Latinos with memberships to vote. This meant biracial-spouses were unable to vote despite paying for a membership. This later changed when Mr. Arredondo became President. CHIP ; Covid-19 ; Diversity ; Inclusion ; Lorain Police Department ; Mexican Mutual Society 5411 Recapping the interview As they are wrapping up the interview, Brendan ask Mr. Arredondo about his time in Kentucky State in relation to the Ken State riots. He recalls going to campus to take an exam but then having the exam cancelled due to the riots. All students were told to leave campus and go home. To which he left and made his way to his brother college before eventually going home. Mr. Arredondo says his take away from this experience was to have courage to change the things deemed incorrectly and that violence is never the answer. Mr. Arredondo then ask Brendan about his political interest comes from before giving him some final words of wisdom. Ken State riots ; Recap Oral history Interview with Joel Arredondo for the Lorain Oral history Project video 0 LL_Arredondo_Joel.xml

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“Joel Arredondo,” Latino Lorain , accessed October 22, 2024,